
HRB Consulting LLC, encompasses generations of experience accompanied by education. Henning Bollerslev is a third generation Meat Master in Denmark where he acquired his knowledge and training, which gave him insight on solving meat department operational problems. He possesses a vast knowledge in processing methods, cooking and smoking, formulations, USDA standards and regulations, new product development, quality control, and production flow efficiency which is just one of the the many reasons Mr. Bollerslev comes highly recommended by his satisfied customers. In addition, Mr. Bollerslev is fluent in English, Danish and German.

Is your business keeping up with the latest food industry innovations? Are you developing products that keep the consumer wanting more? Does your staff work in an efficient production processing plant that is up to date on the latest USDA regulations?

If you said no to any of these questions, then the best solution is HRB Consulting LLC.

Henning Bollerslev has the qualifications and the experience to move your company into the future. He will work with you to help create a business that will keep you competitive in today’s market. His job is to make sure you succeed.

Getting started?
HRB Consulting LLC can help you with everything from the all important business plan that you will need for financing and strategic planning all the way to the completed project; From product development, to processing and packaging, to advertising claims. HRB Consulting LLC provides objective technical advice to help clients make sound business decisions

.HRB Consulting, LLC
8955 HWY 61
Jackson, MO 63755

Telephone: 573-382-0488

Email: hb@hrb-consulting.com
Web : www.hrb-consulting.com
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